Hi there!
I created this site and forum so that people have a place to really discuss the politics and issues that affect pharmacy, both professional and patient side.
Here are a few basic rules to follow. If too many violations occur from one person, discipline will ensue.
Be respectful. We all have views based on life experiences and perspectives. Respect for someone is of the utmost importance. This doesn't mean a disagreement can't be had, but please keep and discussion respecftul.
Focus on the discussion and do not attack the person. This is a basic principle and needs no further explanation. If discussion around a situation comes up, focus on the points made not the person.
No ad hominem, post hoc ergo propter hoc, genetic fallacy, straw man or other logical fallacies should be used. See here for examples. No one is perfect so this will be moderated as best as possible to the best intentions to promote discussion and further discourse.
Facts are facts, opinions are opinions. When stating things as facts, please provide sources. If something is an opinion, make sure it is framed as such. This distinction is important to ensure proper discourse is had
Do not violate HIPAA. Instances like this will not be tolerated. One warning and then a ban will be enforced
No Spam.
No advertising, job offers, etc. without prior admin approval.
Conspiracy theories that can be readily debunked will not be tolerated. Enough said here.
No one political person is the greatest thing since the invention of fire. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and any discussion of political candidates or legislation should respect this.
No trolls. Trolling others will not be tolerated. Admin discretion will be used.
If something needs to be, or would like to be, posted anonymously, please contact the admin. We will work to accomodate.
All of this being said, we hope civil discourse will ensue and prosper. Create topics, engage and share with others. This forum is here for all.